Benefits of owning a one-bedroom apartment

Bed room with nice furniture

Not only it is affordable, but one-bedroom apartments are a great choice for all those looking for a roof over their head on a limited budget. While a one-bedroom apartment is the best choice for a bachelor, a family of two can also enjoy the comfort offered by a one-bedroom apartment without feeling restricted or having troubles due to lack of space. Let us have a look at some of the many benefits of owning a single room apartment:


  • It truly belongs to you and is all yours: Sharing an apartment and living with a person is not easy. Everyone has their personality and a way of living which not necessarily match your style and preferences, making things difficult for both individuals. Opting for a one-bedroom apartment can take away that stress from your bachelor’s life, as you will not have to rely on anyone else for paying the rent or other bills. You can have full accessibility and decorate your place the way you want without compromising your preferences.
  • The comparatively less space: While many can look at it as a negative point, owning a small place allows you to simplify your way of living. Instead of collecting even the things you do not need, with less space, you are only left with the option of clearing out the clutter, making you are surrounding a more productive place. Avoiding clutter is the key to enjoying and having a comfortable experience of living in a one-bedroom apartment.
  • Allows you to be independent: For someone who is moving out of home for the first time, renting a one-bedroom apartment is the best way of learning self-sufficiency. Not only it is better for your work from home stuff, but it also teaches you to survive the seemingly insignificant problems of daily life. In addition, you could play your favorite sports betting pastime via without any disturbance. 

The comparatively low price and easy to handle online renting properties websites make sure that you can enjoy comfortable, affordable living without worrying about how much do one bedroom apartment cost.

Is a one-bedroom apartment a good investment?

The growing number of single-person households and affordability have immensely increased the demand for a one-bedroom apartment, making them a popular investment choice. For all those young and single investors entering the property market, a one-bedroom apartment is the best choice. It secures a lower purchase price compared to larger, much more expensive apartments.

Tips for investment in a one-bedroom unit

Owning a small apartment is not everyone’s cup of tea. The right investment deal varies from individual to individual, mostly depending upon the budget, preferred living arrangement and your lifestyle. Budget is the most important factor as the first question of concern is always how much do one bedroom apartment cost. Few other tips to follow before investing in a one-bedroom unit is:


  • Look for a good parking space even if initially you do not own a vehicle, as you never know when you can need one.
  • Try and invest in smaller blocks
  • Check ongoing amenity and other strata fees.

Investing in a small apartment in a blue-chip locality of a city brings lower risks, as the buyer demand at these locations tends to be more towards the consistent side, giving opportunity for long term capital growth in the suburbs.

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