Ron Harris might not seem like the typical person to share the love of God with the world. Before his conversion to Christ, Ron Harris and his brother, were the WCW tag team champions three times, the two time world champion tag team for the Continental Wrestling Association as the Blues Brothers, five time champions for the United States Wrestling Association, after the Continental Wrestling Association was renamed (Don won two additional championships with Brian Lee, and Ron won an additional championship with Jimmy Harris.) – 먹튀; and they had a lot of other experience wrestling. Ron Harris has also been divorced four times. Some might think he looks more like a biker than an executive for a Christian music label, as he is.
Ron Harris had been a police officer before Don asked him if he wanted to try wrestling. The two climbed the ladder of success as wrestlers, using different names. They became famous and rich. Ron relished his new image. He says he looked like a biker. Ron says he loved the lifestyle and the image he had. He said he and his brother were violent-not the kind of people the average person would want to offend.
Ron says the lifestyle of wealth, groupies to follow him, and women began to take its toll. He said he is to blame four his four failed marriages. Even though he attended church, his attendance was sporadic. He said his lifestyle was hard to walk away from.
He said the change in his life came through his friendship with Mark and Frank Miller and Greg Hubbard-known as the popular country music group, Sawyer Brown. Members of the group were well grounded in their Christian faith.
“They’ve always been very steadfast in their beliefs and in the way they live,” Ron Harris said of members of the group.
Ron Harris, whose life had not been typical of someone you might see on television sharing the Christian faith, said he realized that although he had a lot materially, “spiritually, man, I was just fallen.”
Harris decided it was time to walk away from wrestling and toward Jesus Christ. He says he now laughs and wonders why he didn’t make the decision to turn to Christ 30 years ago. He says he wondered why he did many of the things in his life the way he had, including spending too much time in bars.
Harris said he also learned that God accepts us they way we are and the way we look. He didn’t have to quit looking like a biker.
Don Harris still works in wrestling promotion and production. Ron Harris, however, took a job with Beach Street Records, a Christian music label started by Sawyer Brown, although he still doesn’t like the poster child for someone publicly sharing his faith.
Today, Ron Harris gets up at 5:30 every morning to have breakfast with his three daughters. He packs their lunches and sends them to school. He also tells them life without Christ isn’t much of a life. He says he wants them to know that is because if a person tries to live without God, he will always end up in the wrong place. He says he loves being a parent.
He says he God is always there and is always forgiving. Ron Harris may not look like a preacher or the typical person you see on television sharing his Christian faith. He is always willing to share his story with anyone, however.